We’ve all been there: you’re re-hashing a disagreement with a team member only to realize that you were actually on the same page all along. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, there was a communication breakdown.
Was the rest of the team not good at active listening? Did you fail to serve as an effective communicator? Were both parties simply failing to practice empathy towards one another? In most workplaces, communication breakdowns result from a combination of the above and more. However, all hope is not lost! The fact is that good communication is a muscle that only gets stronger the more that you work it.
Winning team dynamics requires easy, breezy communication. Luckily for you, at Confetti, we offer virtual games and experiences focused on beefing up those communication muscles.
How do team building activities improve communication? 🤔
Team building activities are activities that engage members of a team in a fun and educational way to encourage active listening and open communication.
All while having a good time together, teams develop the communication skills needed to:
- Increase productivity
- Build trust
- Improve leadership skills
- Engage in problem-solving
- Reduce conflict in the workplace
- Improve team performance
A group that can stand in a circle and work towards a common goal is much more equipped to understand each team member’s strengths and growth opportunities.
What is a good communication exercise?
Regardless of the number of people on a team, important messaging can get lost in translation.
Communication exercises are exercises in which a team focuses on the efficacy of its exchange of information. Through intentional communication exercises, teams can mitigate misinformation and messaging delays.
When we say “team building activities to improve communication in the workplace,” chances are you’re picturing a small group standing in a circle writing their two truths and a lie on index cards. But we cannot stress enough — it’s SO much more than that!
So, let’s paint communication exercises for teams in a new light:
Try these 11 communication team building games & activities 📣
1. Communication Skills Workshop 🙋
There are no bad questions. But some questions are a little better than others.
This interactive workshop focuses on communication skill-building. And, if you couldn’t tell by the title, this activity hones in on the power of questioning.
This team building activity will develop better questioning techniques to create more productive conversations and build powerful connections between team members. This experience highly encourages participants to engage throughout the session. In the end, we’ll follow up with key takeaways that your team can use well into the future!
How to get started 👉 Improve communication skills at the Communication Skills Workshop!

2. Can You Hear Me Now? 🤔
The objective of this game is to give instructions accurately and complete tasks successfully, while challenging participant's listening skills and their ability to interpret information correctly.
How to Play:
- Gather Supplies: Each participant needs a piece of paper and a pen or digital drawing tool. If using digital tools, ensure everyone is comfortable with the chosen software.
- Pair Up: Divide your team into pairs. In larger teams, you can create breakout rooms if you're using a platform like Zoom or Microsoft Teams.
- Describe and Draw: The Describer chooses a random image and must describe it using geometric terms such as directions, degrees, lengths, and shapes. For example, if the image was a house: “draw a small square in the middle of your page, then a larger triangle on top of the square.” The Describer’s task is to describe the image to their partner without revealing what it is, while the other person (the "Drawer") attempts to recreate it based solely on the Describer’s instructions. The Drawer should see if they can guess what they're drawing before the final clues are given.
- Communication Rules: To make the game more challenging and to mimic real-life communication barriers, impose some rules. For example, the Describer cannot use directional words like "left" or "right," or they can only use a limited number of words.
- Time Limit: Set a time limit of around 5-10 minutes per round to keep the game moving and maintain engagement.
- Review and Reflect: Once the time is up, compare the drawings to the original images. Discuss the results as a group, highlighting what worked well and what could be improved. This debriefing session is crucial as it allows team members to reflect on their communication styles and learn from each other's experiences.
3. Empathy Water Cooler 💙
In this activity, team members are randomly matched with a group member and given turns to answer and hear their colleagues’ answers to empathy-focused questions like “When are you overwhelmed at work?” and “What are your nonverbal warning signs that you wish others knew?”
Once team members have exchanged answers in small randomized groups in breakout rooms, they are encouraged to share what they’ve learned about themselves and their colleagues with the entire team in the main room.
Empathy is a vital skill to have, especially for your coworkers. When employees feel connected to their team, they’re more likely to communicate and collaborate effectively.
How to get started 👉 Build stronger connections and active listening skills with an Empathy Watercooler Workshop!

4. Guess the Leader 🙋
This is a quick and easy game you can tack onto the beginning of your meetings. Have participants stand in a circle. One team member leaves the room (or the video call, if you're working with remote teams) while the group silently chooses a leader who will start making subtle movements that the other team members must mimic. The person who left the room returns and has to guess who the leader is.
This is an easy and repeatable communication activity that hones observational skills and the ability to detect subtle nonverbal cues.
5. Think Faster 💨
Brush up on your verbal communication skills through activities led by professional improvisers. These quick-thinking, problem-solving activities are tailored to your team’s specific growth opportunities and company culture. Past groups have used these skill sets as guideposts for:
- Improving communication skills
- Sharpening problem-solving skills
- Encouraging adaptability and flexibility
Oh, and did we mention this experience was created by Shannon O’Neill? The former Artistic Director of Uprights Citizens Brigade, the same company where Amy Poehler kicked off her career? You may have seen her work in Broad City (Comedy Central) or High Maintenance (HBO).
Yeah, it’s pretty legit.
How to get started 👉 Get ready for quick wit and hearty laughs in Think Faster!

6. 20 Questions ❓
20 Questions is another communication team building activity that challenges participant's strategic questioning, deductive reasoning, and creative thinking skills.
One person thinks of an object and tells the group whether it is a person, place, or thing. The rest of the participants take turns asking yes-or-no questions to identify the object. The answerer responds with only "yes" or "no" to each question. Participants can guess the object at any time, but if no one guesses correctly after 20 questions, the answerer reveals the object. A new round begins with a different person answering questions if the object is guessed correctly or revealed.
7. DEI Conversations at Work 💬
What’s a helpful way to address conflict through effective communication? This experience is.
Here, two professional educators will lead your group through the Forum Theatre technique to practice conflict resolution. Your crew will serve as both spectators and actors in the real-life scenarios this workshop takes you through.
This course blends diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives with professional development. In it, you can expect:
- An intro & icebreaker game to foster unity and community before diving into the main focus of the experience
- A dynamic performance scene about diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Open reflection and discussion about potential solutions & even about feelings the scene evokes
- A re-enactment of the earlier scene where your team can participate and apply the previously discussed solutions
How to get started 👉 Tackle tough conversations and overcome challenges through team communication in DEI Conversations at Work.

8. Plug and Play Mixer 📱
Our social mixer experience includes fast-paced, hosted micro games that will get your entire group bonding and learning about each other on a much deeper level.
This game encourages personal and group sharing through individual personal prompts, group shares, and a team game! Through a variety of activities, this experience is perfect for groups looking for a non-competitive way to let their unique personalities shine as they form stronger connections with their teammates.
Getting to know your team more personally is a crucial step in creating happy, engaged teams with a greater sense of community and job satisfaction.
How to get started 👉 Plug into the getting-to-know-you fun with a Plug and Play Mixer!

9. Blindfolded Stroll 🚶
This activity is for in-person teams only. Working in pairs, team members will guide each other through an obstacle course of chairs, tables, or whatever you have lying around the office.
- Nonverbal Guidance: The guide will lead their blindfolded partner through the path using only nonverbal communication. They can use gentle touches, taps, or pressure on the shoulders, arms, or back to direct their partner.
- Communication Rules: No talking is allowed. The guide must rely entirely on nonverbal signals to communicate directions and ensure the safety of their partner.
- Switch Roles: After navigating the path, the pairs should switch roles, allowing both participants to experience being both the guide and the blindfolded partner.
- Discussion: Once all pairs have completed the activity, gather everyone for a debrief. Discuss the experience, focusing on the challenges of nonverbal communication, the importance of trust, and how effectively they were able to guide and be guided.
10. Sign Language Workshop ✌️
Get your team together to learn some ASL through a variety of interactive activities and icebreakers!
Your sign language instructor will teach your team common words, phrases, and sign language facts. A sign language workshop is a great way to not only learn sign language basics but also how to communicate nonverbally and learn more about your colleagues.
This experience is a great opportunity for teams to improve their communication skills around emotional expression and body language, as well as raise visibility for the Deaf community.
How to get started 👉 Practice non verbal communication in a Sign Language Workshop!

11. Emotional Charades 😃
If your team likes straightforward nonverbal communication games, here's one you can try: Charades, with an emotional twist.
This game is exactly like traditional charades but with a focus on acting out specific emotions rather than phrases or actions. Participants must use facial expressions and body language to convey emotions like happiness, sadness, anger, or surprise, helping them to better understand and interpret emotional cues.
How to get started 👉 If general Charades is more your team’s thing, book a round with Confetti!

Build your team's communication skills with Confetti 💪
At Confetti, unforgettable team building activities are the name of the game. With the help of our communication activities, teams can come together to improve their communication skills and have a good time.
P.S. Need help planning the best event yet? Contact us to get started!
Frequently Asked Questions ❓
What are communication games? 🧐
Communication games are games in which teams must practice active and nonverbal communication skills and conversation skills to be successful. Our communication games emphasize the importance of communication while being fun and engaging.
What is a good communication exercise? 🤔
A good communication exercise is any exercise that encourages team members to focus their efforts on achieving the most effective and efficient exchange of information.
What is the best communication game for Zoom? 🤨
Gone are the days of the whole team huddling around a single piece of paper and tallying the final scores in a team building game. Instead, play Virtual Taboo with your team to celebrate what Zoom is capable of.