BYO Origami Class
From $380 USDFold your way to fun
In this class, participants will enjoy live demos, learn origami basics, and folding techniques to create origami designs.
This class typically covers:
- A brief introduction to origami
- Folding time! Create 1-3 origami designs
- Q&A and discussion throughout
- Designed Invitation for Participants
- Skilled Origami Artist
- Shopping List
- Zoom Link
- Scissors
- 2 Markers
- 5 Squares of Origami Paper
- 3 Sheets of Printer Paper
- Clean Desk Space
- Ability to Use Zoom (Free)
- Access to Zoom Chat
The coordinator was prompt, communicative and helpful. The origami instructor was fun spirited, educational and very knowledgeable of her craft!
The team enjoyed the origami folding activity and we all walked away with a new skill and some great inside jokes as well. Bringing all of us together for a shared non-work related experience was the goal, and Confetti delivered!
I've been using these events to try to incorporate more fun and socialization on my fully-remote team, and I think this class met that goal and then some!
Community Love
Choose this option if your participants will all be joining from their own devices in separate places.
Choose our hybrid option if ANY participants will be joining from the same device or room.
For the most interactive experience, we recommend selecting the 60-minute option. If you select the shorter duration, our instructor may have to omit some content from our standard class.
Experience a full 60-minute class with time for engagement and Q&A. Our instructor will provide an in-depth demonstration of 2-3 origami designs. See the run of show.
Short on time? Learn the basics of origami in this short and sweet version of our standard class. Our instructor will cover at least 1 origami design. See the run of show.
Give your team a budget to purchase their required items with an online gift card!