Initial Orders fall within our vendor’s required lead time and adhere to our Address Collection process deadline. Secondary Orders allow for more flexibility with sign-ups and additional payment but require a stricter shipping timeline. More on this below!
How does the Initial Order work?
When booking Classes with Kits or purchasing Giftings, you will receive an Address Collection Deadline via email once your booking is complete. This deadline signifies the date and time when we need to have the following information in order for our vendor to ship your kits in a timely manner:
All participants’ address information
Contact information
Customization selections and dietary restrictions (when applicable)
If all addresses are submitted by the given deadline, and additional payment has been made for any extra submissions, international shipping fees, or dietary restrictions, we will ship your order collectively as normal.
Learn more about our address collection and shipping processes here!
Please note that we are unable to add kits to your Initial Order once the Address Collection form has closed and additional payment has been made (if applicable). Any kits added beyond that point would be included in a Secondary Order.
How does the Secondary Order work?
After your Address Collection Deadline has passed, any necessary information or payment received will default affected kits to a Secondary Order. This includes address submissions already received but not yet paid for, or late address submissions received after the initial deadline.
We will include address submissions in the Initial Order on a first-come, first-served basis unless requested otherwise.
Kits that fall within the Secondary Order will be sent to our vendor for shipment after the Initial Order, and will have Rush Processing applied at an additional cost.
We are unable to accommodate any late additions beyond the Secondary Order deadline.