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Seen It? Games
Let your film knowledge shine in this team bonding trivia game. Choose your favorite genre and hit play!
2 Unique Ideas
Already Loved By Thousands of Companies
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Fuel Healthy Competition
From $495 USD
Seen It?
Bring the magic of the movies to your team with this movie trivia game! Participants will put their film knowledge to the test, competing for points on questions featuring movie favorites, actors, and soundtracks.
4-295 people
Typically 60 minutes
From $495 USD
Holiday Seen It?
Bring the magic of the holidays to your team with this movie trivia game! Participants will put their film knowledge to the test, competing for points on questions featuring holiday movie favorites, actors, and characters.
4-295 people
Typically 60 minutes
Contact Us
Our dedicated coordinators will help plan your experiences free of charge, allowing you to focus on your to-do list, while we handle the heavy lifting.
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