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9 Team Building Objectives Every Leader Should Focus On

Make the most out of your team building efforts using these 9 objectives.

#Work-Life Balance
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Did you know that a recent study found that workplace isolation can decrease productivity by up to 21%? As you can see, employees need moments of connection to thrive.Ā 

Many HR and company culture leaders would agree that team building isnā€™t just a fun thing to plan if the budget allows, itā€™s a necessary tool that companies (especially remote) canā€™t neglect. When asked what strategies have been most effective in fostering collaboration and communication among remote teams, especially across different time zones and cultures, hereā€™s what Leslie Forde, Founder and CEO of Momā€™s Hierarchy of Needs had to say:Ā 

"Bringing people together in person or online when it's meaningful to do so. Creating social opportunities, whether online or offline so that people can get to know each other outside of the responsibilities they share." Team building activities are an incredible way to boost your team's morale and efficiency, especially with the growth of remote work.

But if you want to get the most out of your team building events, it's best to have some objectives in mind when planning to analyze what's working and change your strategy based on the results obtained.

"Bring people together in person or online when it's meaningful to do so. Create social opportunities, whether online or offline so that people can get to know each other outside of the responsibilities they share." -Leslie Forde, Founder and CEO Mom's Hierarchy of Needs

What are the most important team building objectives?

Team building activities need to have specific objectives to maximize their effectiveness. The right objectives can improve team spirit and productivity, build new skills, and more!

Here are the main objectives you can focus on building through a successful team building event:

1. Enhance team member relationships

According to a Gallup study, employees with strong, positive relationships with coworkers are more engaged, productive, and satisfied with their work. Those who have a ā€œwork best friendā€ are seven times more engaged and enthusiastic at work.

Team building activities motivate employees to care about their coworkers' well-being which, by extension, impacts the company's overall health. Here are some activities that promote trust, compassion, and respect, helping colleagues develop stronger relationships that lead to a positive workplace:

  • Get-To-Know-You Activities: Use activities like "Two Truths and a Lie" or icebreakers at the top of meetings to help team members learn fun and interesting facts about each other.
  • Social Events: Host virtual coffee breaks or after-work happy hours to facilitate informal interactions.
  • Buddy Program: Pair employees from different departments for weekly chats about anything they'd like in an informal, friendly setting.


2. Build loyalty

Can colleagues collaborate if they don't trust each other or the company they work for? Yes, but performance may be stifled. With the strong relationships created from team building activities, you can build greater loyalty among your team.

Make sure your team building games come with clear guidance, regular feedback sessions, and fair treatment for everyone (including being friendly towards all your employees' time zones). Organizing activities where you collaborate and have to depend on other colleagues will help build trust and loyalty.

Engage teams in activities that require mutual responsibilities, such as building a product prototype or planning a company event. Implement systems where employees can anonymously recognize each otherā€™s efforts, fostering a culture of appreciation.

How to get started šŸ‘‰ Give colleagues anonymous compliments to create a healthy and respectful work environment and a feeling of appreciation with Workplace Gratitude!


3. Reduce distractions and increase focus

Did you know that 79% of employees report that they can't focus for an hour and 59% say they can't even go 30 minutes without feeling distracted? Sometimes burnout is the culprit. Everyone needs a break once in a while.Ā 

Team building activities should not only focus on having fun and strengthening relationships. They're also a perfect opportunity to improve employee well-being by providing everyone with a much-needed break, so they can stay concentrated and not waste time when they're in work mode.

Help employees clear their minds and take a break from the daily grind for some self-care with these activities:

  • Mindfulness Sessions: Incorporate activities like group mindfulness or yoga, which promote mental clarity.
  • Wellness Workshops: Host sessions on stress management or healthy work habits.
  • Outdoor Activities: Plan nature hikes or park outings to provide a change of scenery and a breath of fresh air.
How to get started šŸ‘‰ Recharge with some experiences from Confettiā€™s Health & Wellness collection!Ā Ā 
Health and Wellness by Confetti


4. Increase leadership skills

Leadership skills aren't only for managers but also for any professional. To improve leadership skills, plan exercises that simulate real workplace or interpersonal challenges to help develop key team qualities like accountability and proactiveness.

If you want to build an environment of empowered leaders, focus on team building activities that encourage participants to take initiative and step out of their comfort zone.Ā 

These activities can help foster leadership skills:

  • Role-Playing Scenarios: Use scenarios that mimic workplace challenges, encouraging team members to step into leadership roles.
  • Public Speaking Opportunities: Create forums for team members to present ideas or lead discussions.
  • Mentorship Programs: Pair newer employees with mentors to guide their growth and development.
How to get started šŸ‘‰ Everyone could learn something positive from a Mindful Leadership Workshop!



5. Foster accountability in the workplace

Imagine a workplace where everyone takes responsibility for their actions. Sounds pretty nice, doesn't it? Team managers should always lead by example and team building activities can help develop this accountability practice.

Working on this trait will motivate your team to collaborate and find solutions together, achieving company goals. Encourage accountability with:Ā 

  • Feedback Loops: Implement regular sessions where team members give and receive constructive feedback.
  • A "Commitment Wall": Create a virtual board or dedicated channel in your teamā€™s chat where team members can post their personal and professional goals to encourage accountability and support.


6. Manage conflicts

Even the most cohesive teams will encounter disagreements from time to time. The idea isn't to avoid conflicts altogether but to handle them respectfully and reach a consensus calmly.

A well-oiled machine requires employees to listen, compromise, and communicate. Team building can teach negotiation and communication skills as well as empathy, which helps team members understand each other on a more personal and humanist level. These ideas can help:Ā 

  • Role-Playing Exercises: Use improv and role-playing to simulate conflicts and practice resolution strategies.
  • Open Communication Channels: Encourage open and honest feedback loops to make room for check-ins and address issues before they escalate.
How to get started šŸ‘‰ Host an Empathy Water Cooler! Your team will learn the importance of putting yourself in someone elseā€™s shoes through interactive prompts, breakout rooms, and group discussions.Ā 
Empathy Water Cooler


7. Increase morale

It wastes everyone's time if employees get bored or even hate attending your events, which is why you want your activities to be fun and stimulating.

When your company events are enjoyable, you will increase everyone's morale and motivation! A happy employee is more likely to go above and beyond to collaborate and help others, improving the team's productivity.

Always make sure to collect feedback on the activities you organize and utilize a net promoter score tool to gauge not just satisfaction, but how likely participants are to recommend the experience to others.

Regularly plan company celebrations to recognize milestones and achievements to keep the team motivated!Ā 

How to get started šŸ‘‰ Boost everyoneā€™s spirits with a trip to the Confetti Pub. This choose-your-own-adventure experience includes trivia, live entertainment, conversation rooms, and more!Ā 



8. Inspire creativity and innovation

Creativity may sound like something thatā€™s an individual focus, but the most innovative and dynamic ideas often result from a supportive team rather than a single individual.Ā 

Teams are platforms for brainstorming and enhancing ideas by incorporating each otherā€™s diverse insights and perspectives, so plan an event that revolves around that idea.Ā 

How to inspire creativity:

  • Art Classes: Organize a guided group painting or drawing session where team members can express their creativity through an artistic medium. Sharing and discussing everyoneā€™s creations afterward can foster an appreciation for diverse perspectives and talents, and spark new ideas.
  • Cooking Classes: Host a virtual cooking class where the team learns a new recipe from a professional chef. This hands-on activity not only encourages creativity in the kitchen but also promotes teamwork and communication. Plus, enjoying the meal together afterward provides a rewarding sense of accomplishment and camaraderie!Ā 
How to get started šŸ‘‰ Combine drawing or watercolor painting with some mindfulness exercises in Calm and Create!Ā 



9. Improve problem-solving abilities

Teams that can navigate challenges and find solutions efficiently are better equipped to meet goals and drive company success.Ā 

Whether itā€™s project roadblocks or interpersonal conflicts, developing strong problem-solving abilities enables teams to tackle these issues proactively and constructively. It also empowers employees to feel confident in their decision-making, leading to more innovative solutions and improved overall performance.

Use virtual escape rooms to challenge teams to solve puzzles and achieve a shared goal collaboratively. Or, encourage some friendly competition with trivia games. These activities require critical thinking, effective communication, and teamwork, mirroring real-world problem-solving scenarios in an engaging way.

How to get started šŸ‘‰ Challenge your teams to see if they can make it out of the Escape Quest in time!Ā 



How can you evaluate the success of your team building activity?

We've covered team building objectives to center in your planning, but how can you measure the progress of what you are doing? Here are some effective ways to make sure your team building program is working:

1. Survey your team: Surveys have always been an effective way to understand results in any field. Especially if they are anonymous, your team members can express their opinions without hesitation.Ā 

2. Ask for individual feedback: During your one-on-one meetings, you should ask your teammates' opinions. If you have created an environment where one's opinions are not judged, you will get honest feedback. You should also encourage employees to propose alternatives, so you can take their ideas into account.

3. Monitor workplace relationships: Are relationships improving in the work environment? Have you noticed any improvements in collaboration? These parameters are fundamental to tracking the effectiveness of team building exercises and events.

4. Track productivity metrics: Focus on metrics like absenteeism rate, sales growth, planned vs completed tasks, and customer satisfaction. If employee motivation is increasing, you should see a resulting increase in these metrics.


The takeaway šŸŽŠ

To maximize the effectiveness of your team building events, you must plan them with the correct team bonding objectives in mind. Don't focus just on metrics like productivity or increased sales, but also on the well-being and happiness of your team.

Need help picking the right event for your team building objective? Schedule a call with our Happiness Concierge to get started!


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