At least in the foreseeable future, gone are those team lunch breaks where you get to at least walk outside. You have also stopped commuting to the office, for better or worse. To add to all that, you work in a suboptimal desk (or bed), which as a result, adds tension to your neck, shoulders, and back. You might have been sleeping at night with that achy, creaky, and very stiff neck.
Since we donât want you to grow old like the hunchback of notre dame, we wanted to share with you a few of these quick and simple exercises so you can work from home without royally screwing up your body and posture.
Needle Pose - helps relieve the tension in your neck, shoulders, and back.

Sphinx Pose - strengthens your spine and stretches your shoulders.

Cat Cow Pose - flexing and extending the neck allows for the release of tension.

Childâs Pose - helps relieve neck pain as well as a headache.

Triangle pose - helps relieve pain and tension in your neck, shoulders, and upper back.

These movements are very intentional for releasing the tension that builds up in the neck and shoulders. We recommend seeking out hatha, yin, and restorative yoga practices as they are beneficial for reducing neck pain. Luckily, we have yoga instructors willing and able to hold private virtual classes for teams of any size.
For employers and managers, healthy remote teams are significantly more productive than stressed out counterparts. We couldnât recommend enough making these simple exercises a part of your teamâs daily routine or even holding virtual team building activities focused on mental and physical health and healing.
For more information on these virtual team building activities, visit our site at or contact [email protected].