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Six Fun Minute-to-Win-It Games for the Workplace

Are you looking for a quick way to relieve stress and boost morale across your remote workforce? Break out of the box with these Minute-to-Win-It games that will get your team laughing and building camaraderie in no time.

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One of the best ways to boost morale in the workplace is to plan and execute a team-building event. When you're pressed for time and the projects are piling up, it's easy to forget to set aside time for some fun team-building activities.

Fortunately, you don't have to go on an expensive retreat or organize an all-day affair to bring your workforce together! In just one minute, you and your team can strengthen relationships, dig deep for those problem-solving skills, and build a culture of fun and positivity.

Why are Minute-to-Win-It games so good for the workplace?

All games should be fun, but there's something special about Minute-to-Win-It games. For one, it's absolutely hilarious to watch coworkers try to slide a toothbrush down a string of dental floss or attempt to catch ping-pong balls in a wastebasket atop their heads. Those hearty laughs you and your team are belting out are serving multiple purposes:

  • Releasing dopamine and endorphins
  • Reducing stress and boosting pleasure
  • Enhancing memory and cognition

These feel-good hormones and reduced stress levels help your team bond and build camaraderie while creating lasting memories. Furthermore, Minute-to-Win-It games really push you to the limit when it comes to figuring out how to complete a hard task in a limited time frame.

When you have just one minute to win, you need good communication and creative problem-solving skills, and it's likely that these will spill over from the gameplay into your work. Even when you're having fun, you're still learning together.

Finally, in addition to being so much fun, Minute-to-Win-It games are highly inclusive. People of all abilities and skill levels can participate, which makes these games the ultimate way to build team spirit in an environment where everyone feels welcome. When it comes to good old-fashioned fun, Minute-to-Win-It just can't be beat.

6 Minute-to-Win-It game ideas your team won't be able to get enough of ⏰

Are you convinced that you should add some of these quirky games to your next meeting or get-together? You're in luck. Here are six of the most fun, famous, and hilarious head-to-head Minute-to-Win-It games for workplace team-building — no obstacle course required.

1. Face the Cookie

Face the Cookie might be the most well-known Minute-to-Win-It game — and for good reason. It's simple to execute and always funny to watch, making it the perfect game for a virtual team to play at the beginning of a meeting, on a lunch break, or even during a team happy hour.

In this game, every participant gets a cookie. They'll all tilt their heads back and put their cookies on their foreheads. Then using only their facial muscles, they will try to slide the cookies into their mouths. Since participants won't be able to see their coworkers' efforts, make sure to have someone record the game. You all can have a good laugh later when you watch everyone's goofy facial contortions.

2. Scoop It Up

This game requires only a spoon, two bowls, and as many ping-pong balls as you want. You'll put all the balls into one bowl and place the handle end of the spoon in your mouth. Then, with your hands behind your back, you'll have one minute to use the scoop of the spoon to transfer the balls from one bowl to another. The person or team who can scoop the most ping-pong balls into the empty bowl wins.

Scoop It Up may seem simple at first, but have you ever tried to control a spoon using only your mouth? What are you going to do when you accidentally lob a ping-pong ball across the room? Everyone is sure to have a lot of fun finding out!

3. Horseplay

The word "horseplay" might bring back memories of having fun on the playground with your childhood friends — only for your parent or teacher to bring it all to a halt with two little words: "No horseplay!"

While this game is called "Horseplay," it's (fortunately) not overly physical. Instead, your team will be using only their breath, a horseshoe, and several ping-pong balls to get the win.

In this unique challenge, team members will blow a set of colored balls across a table into a horseshoe. The winner is the team who gets the most ping-pong balls into the horseshoe in one minute. But if any of those ping-pong balls fall off the table, that team's hopes are dashed, and they're disqualified.

4. Keep It Up

If your diaphragm didn't get enough exercise in the last game, this one will definitely do it for you. All you need for this challenge is two feathers and your breath. However, as you will likely see once you start the timer, winning will also require some unusual skills.

The gameplay is simple: Each participant will toss the feathers in the air and then use deep breaths to keep them there. Anyone who is able to accomplish that goal for an entire minute wins the game. If either of your feathers touches the ground or any of your body parts, you're out!

5. Bite Me

Chances are you've never heard this phrase uttered when you're having fun, but that will change once you've tackled the Bite Me challenge. This game requires nothing more than five paper bags ranging from two inches to ten inches tall. To prepare, you can take some ordinary lunch bags and cut them down to size.

These bags will be lined up across the floor or on a very low surface. Your job is to transfer these bags, in order from tallest to shortest, onto a standard-height table before one minute is up. You can't bring any body part into play except your feet and mouth, so beware of falling over. We hope you've got a neck as long as a giraffe's — you will definitely need it for this one.

6. Bucket Head

Though the name of this game is the ultimate insult to one's intelligence, the winner is more likely to be hailed as a skilled genius. There are a lot of moving parts to this Minute-to-Win-It game, and most of them are ping-pong balls.

Standing exactly five feet away from a wall, you'll bounce those ping-pong balls on the floor so that they hit the wall in front of you. The bounce should be with enough force and speed that you can then catch the balls in a bucket or small trash can.

Are you wondering exactly where that container will be located? The answer is: conveniently on top of your head. Why throw ping-pong balls into plastic cups when you can hurl them at your own head and try to catch them before they end up hitting you? Whether you go for one at a time or decide to take it up a notch with up to six ping-pong balls, you'll definitely have fun.

Let Confetti help you win at team-building

In the era of remote and hybrid work, building a solid workplace culture has become a concern for many HR and business leaders. Fortunately, virtual team-building exercises and events can bring everyone together, even if they're located hundreds of miles away.

These fun one-minute games allow your team to laugh, work with each other toward a common goal, and build skills and relationships at the same time.

Do you need help organizing a successful event or meeting that includes plenty of activities your team will love? This is where Confetti truly shines. Book a game of Beat the Clock featuring six hilarious one-minute rounds, and create an experience your employees will never forget.


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